Setting up an Interactive Science Notebook

Your INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK will increase your understanding of science by:

  • using writing as a process for discovery and synthesis of inquiry.

  • modelling functions of scientists – recording information and data, creating experimental diagrams, forming associations and connections to other learning, and asking thoughtful questions.

  • improving your ability to organize ideas and information, and to provide study reference.

  • demonstrating to your teacher and parents your developing organizational skills, understanding of science concepts and ability to express thoughts and feelings in a variety of ways.

  • deepening the science skills acquired in prior years.

Think as a scientist… record as a scientist… and reflect as a scientist!

You will need:

  • an A4 spiral bound notebook

  • glue stick

  • sticky tape

Getting started:

  • Design the front cover - Mission to Mars at VSSEC

  • Leave the first page for notes, instructions or a rubric from your teacher. Paste this in with a glue stick, always use a glue stick or sticky tape so that all material can be read and seen.

  • Leave the next two pages for a CONTENTS LIST - fill this out as you complete each unit.

  • The next page is a frontispiece for the Mission Science Briefing.

  • NUMBER THE PAGES FROM HERE - Mission Science Briefing is page 1. NUMBER the next 10 pages or so, and continue to number them as you complete the book.

  • Fold a third of page 3 vertically, so you create 3 separate columns. Complete the TASK for Mars and Earth Stats (see example).

  • On page 5 answer the TASK question - Can liquid water exist on Mars?

  • Page 7 is a frontispiece for EARTH vs MARS.

  • From page 8 onwards the notebook will be set out so that notes, or information from your teacher is on the RIGHT HAND SIDE (page 9 in this instance). The LEFT HAND SIDE (page 10) contains any work that you do, including assigned TASKS. Neatly fold and attach any handouts, diagrams, or lab reports. You can find 'foldable' instructions for a squash book, tri-tab fold, and accordian booklet. Be creative.

Taking Notes

You will need to take notes as you read and view videos for each unit. If you don't know how to take notes, now is the time to learn (see the video). Rule a left margin on the RIGHT HAND SIDE PAGE. Write the date and topic at the top of the page. Headings, definitions or vocabulary are written in the margin, and any extra information is written as notes. Use bullet points and diagrams if you wish. Rule a line a few lines from the bottom of the page for a SUMMARY - particularly useful when you come to revise or study.

Bring the Notebook with you to VSSEC.